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Access It Universal NET

Access It! Universal.NET is built and designed to meet the needs of any organization of any size.

Aggiornato il domenica 19 giugno 2022
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Explore more
Access It! Universal.NET is the flagship brand of RS2 Technologies. and delivers a complete access control solution. Built to handle any situation, Access It! Universal.NET integrates with countless products and can meet the access control needs of any facility.
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What is needed

Da RS2 Technologies

  • Access It! Universal.NET
Integration is built on the API and will work in following versions:
Access It! Universal.NET 7.x
Access It! Universal.NET 8.x
Mercury Hardware Platform

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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Customer Stories
Missouri University of Science & Technology
A case study of Missouri University of Science & Technology and their use of the Access It! software

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How it works
How to install

Access It Universal NET - Access It! Universal.NET is built and designed to meet the needs of any organization of any size.

Access It! Universal.NET provides the most complete access control solution. Built with the user experience in mind, Access It! Universal.NET is designed in a visually logical manner making learning and using the software a pain free process. The software allows for customizable workspaces designed to make the software cater to the user and facility. Access It! Universal.NET is built around the trusted Mercury Security open architecture platform. The Mercury hardware platform provides numerous benefits to the end user including freedom to change vendors without having to replace hardware. Additionally, Access It! Universal.NET supports multiple brands of locksets hardware, biometrics, readers, and credentials to meet the needs of any facility. The full-featured API creates
the ability to integrate to any system with a complete toolset available for building modern solutions to meet the
needs of the customer. Access It! Universal.NET provides the platform to control the entire facility.

Key features

  • Access It! Universal.NET includes optional data tools that connect to virtually any data source to sync data from outside systems.
  • Access It! Universal.NET does not require any mandatory costs like a software maintenance fees delivering the best value in access control.
  • API serves as a communication hub between systems allowing programmers to build innovative new products that integrate with Access It! Universal.NET.
  • A full-featured badging solution is available in Access It! Universal.NET including barcodes, encoding, batch printing, and image capture.
  • Access It! Universal.NET integrates to the industry leaders in the video surveillance world and we are always adding new systems.
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

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Required RS2 Technologies product(s)
Access It! Universal.NET 7.x Access It! Universal.NET 8.x

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti
  • XProtect
    2020 R1, 02/11 2020 e seguenti

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