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XProtect Onboard Plug-In

Onboard Video Integration Plug-In for Milestone XProtect VMS

Aggiornato il martedì 22 novembre 2022
Fornito da Safety Vision, LLC Contattaci
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Safety Vision's Onboard Video Integration to Milestone's XProtect Smart Client (XProtect) allows XProtect to receive and display data from any mobile video recorder including fleet vehicle surveillance capabilities, live video streaming and fleet tracking,
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What is needed

Da Safety Vision, LLC

  • SV 9000 Mobile NVR
  • SV XProtect Onboard Plug-In

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

XProtect Onboard Plug-In - Onboard Video Integration Plug-In for Milestone XProtect VMS

Safety Vision's Milestone XProtect Plug-in uses a robust API integration to add all the features needed for a successful onboard deployment.

At a high level, the features take into consideration a vehicle is not always connected to the network. This application meets a unique set of needs such as: scheduling video downloads, differentiating between Wi-fi and LTE connection (multiple IPs), live viewing through LTE or Wi-Fi access, mapping information, and transmission of metadata (GPS information, braking, turn signals, speed, headlights, emergency alert, accelerometer information, etc.)

The plug-in is designed to work with Milestone XProtect, and other ONVIF conformant third party hardware and software. The plugin can be provided independently to Milestone Channel Partners for Safety Vision approved third party hardware and software. Another option is to bundle it with Safety Vision's onboard ONVIF conformant products such as; NVRs and onboard IP cameras.

Key features

  • Schedule video downloads while the bus/vehicle is on route/offline. The system will differentiate between LTE, and Wi-Fi for efficient downloading.
  • Integrates with the mobile NVR removable hard drive for retrieving video, or video may be retrieved by direct connection to NVR via laptop computer.
  • Works with Linux vs. Windows. Linux advantages: open source, security, less updates, boots faster, better customization, and more reliable onboard.
  • Reduces the time required to deploy a new vehicle on the solution by up to 80% vs. other competitive onboard open source solutions.
  • Designed to work with Milestone XProtect, and other ONVIF conformant third party hardware and software.
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

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Required Safety Vision, LLC product(s)
ONVIF Profile-s Supported Devices Road Recorder 9000 NVR

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2018 R2, 06/07 2018 e seguenti

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