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RI2212 - NVR200 | Thomas-Krenn.AG

The RI2212 - NVR200, up to 200 cameras, is a NVR rack-server verified for Milestone XProtect.

Aggiornato il venerdì 18 novembre 2022
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With the RI2212 – NVR200, a network video recorder in rack-server format, video from up to 200 cameras can be processed simultaneously. The system contains 2x Intel Xeon Silver 4210 CPUs and up to 1 TB RAM (16 DIMMs) and also includes a RAID controller and 2x NVIDIA QUADRO P1000 (4 GB, 640 cores).
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What is needed

Da Thomas-Krenn.AG

  • RI2212 - NVR200

Da Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
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RI2212 - NVR200 | Thomas-Krenn.AG - The RI2212 - NVR200, up to 200 cameras, is a NVR rack-server verified for Milestone XProtect.

The RI2212 – NVR200 is a network video recording system that is specially designed and verified for the surveillance software Milestone XProtect.

With the NVR recorder in rack-server format, video from up to 200 cameras can be processed simultaneously. The system contains 2x Intel Xeon Silver 4210 CPUs and up to 1 TB RAM (16 DIMMs) and also includes a RAID controller and 2x NVIDIA QUADRO P1000 (4 GB, 640 cores).

Key features

  • 2x Intel Xeon Silver 4210
  • 12x 3,5" / 2,5" (Hot-Swap)
  • 64 GB RAM, up to 1 TB RAM
  • 2x Nvidia QUADRO P1000 (4 GB, 640 Cores)
  • Incl. RAID Controller
How it works

How to install


This is where you can find additional documentation

Verificato da Milestone Read verification


Required Thomas-Krenn.AG product(s)
RI2212 – NVR200 V1.0

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2019 R3, 10/08 2019 e seguenti

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