Bosch Object Detection + AI Alarm Verification
Use Bosch cameras designed to detect objects (e.g., firearms) and combine with AI alarm verification
Most Bosch cameras detect people and vehicles in XProtect®, with some even designed for firearm / gun detection. In challenging scenes or to enhance legacy camera accuracy, AI Alarm Verification provides an extra review layer. The Bosch plugin for XProtect® simplifies setup for seamless integration.
What is needed
Bosch Security and Safety Systemsから
Bosch Compatible Camera
Bosch CBS-AAV-PER* or CBS-AAV-VGD** cloud license
Bosch AI Alarm Verification Plug-in
All Bosch cameras (i.e., those with legacy EVA, IVA or newest IVA Pro) can be used in conjunction with AI Alarm verification for people/vehicles.
On the contrary, for brandished firearm detection, only cameras equipped with Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection camera license (MVC-IVA-VGD) can be used.
* Bosch CBS-AAV-PER represents a Bosch cloud license for people/vehicles per camera per annum for complementary AI Alarm Verification.
** Bosch CBS-AAV-VGD represents a Bosch cloud license for brandished firearms per camera per annum for complementary AI Alarm Verification.
On the contrary, for brandished firearm detection, only cameras equipped with Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection camera license (MVC-IVA-VGD) can be used.
* Bosch CBS-AAV-PER represents a Bosch cloud license for people/vehicles per camera per annum for complementary AI Alarm Verification.
** Bosch CBS-AAV-VGD represents a Bosch cloud license for brandished firearms per camera per annum for complementary AI Alarm Verification.
Milestone Systemsから
Milestone XProtect
In case you want to use "Emergency Alert" in Milestone XProtect® Mobile Client, Milestone Care is a prerequisite.
Featured content
Customer Stories
Memphis-Shelby County Schools in Tennessee, U.S.
Safeguarding education with AI-driven Video Analytics at Shelby County Schools (>5,000 cameras).
How it works
How to install
Bosch Object Detection + AI Alarm Verification - Use Bosch cameras designed to detect objects (e.g., firearms) and combine with AI alarm verification
Most Bosch cameras detect people and vehicles in various conditions, while some others are designed for firearm detection. Those detections can be alarmed for in XProtect® with no extra server equipment needed, as processing happens on-camera.For people and vehicle detection, use a compatible Bosch camera with legacy IVA, EVA, or IVA Pro. For firearm detection, choose a compatible Bosch camera with IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection (VGD).
In challenging conditions or to enhance legacy camera accuracy, Bosch AI Alarm Verification adds a cloud-based AI review layer, verifying alarms within seconds for near-zero unwanted alarms.
All verifications are logged in XProtect®, while confirmed false alarms are kept away from the operator. This solution requires an annual Bosch cloud license (CBS-AAV-PER for people/vehicles, CBS-AAV-VGD for firearms) per camera and the Bosch plug-in available on this page.
Key features
- Detect people and vehicles with Bosch cameras and use optional cloud-based AI Alarm Verification for challenging conditions or with legacy cameras.
- Use other Bosch cameras designed to detect brandished firearms and combine with Bosch AI Alarm Verification in the cloud for an extra pair of eyes.
- The plug-in enables easy cloud setup and configuration: it connects with the XProtect rule engine for (automated) incident response follow-up.
- Use Milestone's "Emergency Alert" feature in Mobile Client for emergency decision-making while on-the-go. Ideal for staff in education environments.
- No additional server equipment needed. Processing happens exclusively on the camera and -optionally- in the cloud (when using AI Alarm Verification).
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Bosch AI Alarm Verification Datasheet | pdf Download (110.33 KB) |
Bosch IVA Pro Visual Gun Detection Datasheet | pdf Download (10.21 MB) |
Bosch AI Alarm Verification Service Description | pdf Download (95.03 KB) |
Read verification
Here you can find more information about installers and installation guides
Required Bosch Security and Safety Systems product(s)
- Bosch Camera Firmware 9.10 or higher
- Milestone Device Pack 13.2 or higher
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2024 R1, 06/25 2024
XProtectExpert2024 R1, 06/25 2024
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2023 R3, 11/14 2023 その後
XProtectExpert2023 R3, 11/14 2023 その後
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