CA4K Access Control by Continental Access
CA4K Access Control Software and Milestone XProtect Integration
The Continental CA4K Software and the Milestone XProtect VMS provide real-time video that can be automatically associated to any alarm event from a reader, input or napco zone.
What is needed
Continental Accessから
CA4K Software
CA4K V1.1.x
Milestone Systemsから
Milestone XProtect
XProtect 2019 R1
How it works
How to install
CA4K Access Control by Continental Access - CA4K Access Control Software and Milestone XProtect Integration
The Continental Access, CA4K Video Integration solution provides a "one-way" seamless integration with the Milestone XProtect VMS.By combining the power of the Continental Access CA4K Access Control Software and the state-of-the art Milestone VMS, real-time video can be automatically associated to any alarm event from a reader, input, or Napco zone in the CA4K system.
Key features
- Alarm Recording
- Motion Event Recording
- Recorded Video Search
- IP Camera Support and support for up to 99 Milestone DVR systems.
- Multi-View display
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
CA4K Milestone Setup Guide | pdf Download (2.09 MB) |
Read verification
Required Continental Access product(s)
CA4K V1.1.x
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectCorporate2019 R1, 02/05 2019 その後
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