C2P - Gun Shot detection integrations to XProtect
The C2P Gun Shot Detection integration uses the GPS coordinates to link events to XProtect cameras.
The C2P integration framework makes the XProtect® Smart Client the unified head-end solution for monitoring gun shot events in real-time using the gun shot GPS coordinates and XProtect camera coordinates to link them together.
The gun shot events are displayed on a map using the gun shot GPS data.
The gun shot events are displayed on a map using the gun shot GPS data.
What is needed
C2P Shot Spotter Proxy
C2P Base
Milestone Systemsから
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
How it works
How to install
C2P - Gun Shot detection integrations to XProtect - The C2P Gun Shot Detection integration uses the GPS coordinates to link events to XProtect cameras.
The C2P integration makes the XProtect Smart Client the unified head-end solution for monitoring gun shot detection events in real-time using the GPS coordinates provided by the gun shot detection system used, and XProtect connected camera GPS coordinates to link the event to the closest XProtect connected cameras.The gun shot events are displayed on a map using the GPS data of the gun shot event. The map updates with a pin showing the gun shot event as it is received in real-time. The map auto-sizes to accommodate new events if they are outside of the current map view.
All gun shot data is stored and available for forensic searches after the event. All searches are linked to the original video of the event as well as the map view of the event location.
The reporting tools let you combine searches between technologies. For example you can search all license plate captures in the area of the gun shot within a minute of the gun shot event and get a list matches that search criteria.
Key features
- Gun shot detection events are shown in real-time on a map within the XProtect Smart Client using the GPS coordinates of the gun shot event.
- All gun shot events are stored and searchable. All search results are link to the XProtect cameras closest to the gun shot event.
- Gun shot events are stored time synchronous with all XProtect video.This enables XProtect users to manually select other cameras in the gun shot area.
- Gun shot events forensic searches can be combined with events from other technologies to find when they occurred a common time. (ex. gun shot and LPR)
- The real-time rules engine tools include user defined Alert pop-up forms that allow the user to add notes to the gun shot event in real-time.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
C2P Gun Shot Detection integration user manual | pdf Download (2.80 MB) |
C2P Gun Shot Detection Brochure | pdf Download (770.72 KB) |
Read verification
Required ConvergenceTP product(s)
C2P Version 7.8.5 or greater
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2018 R3, 10/02 2018
XProtectCorporate2018 R3, 10/02 2018
XProtectExpert2018 R3, 10/02 2018
XProtectProfessional+2018 R3, 10/02 2018
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 その後
XProtectCorporate2016, 12/15 2015 その後
XProtectExpert2016, 12/15 2015 その後
XProtectProfessional+2017 R2, 06/08 2017 その後
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- 米領ヴァージン諸島
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