IP Solutions and Communication systems
Our systems integrate into third party security, building management, CCTV, access control & more.
Our communication systems are highly sought after by the secure facilities, commercial and education industries. The flexible system design will enable you to select products required from any of our sub-systems (which can fully integrate to third party systems) to achieve your project requirements.
What is needed
Jacques Technologies Pty Ltdから
IP Master Station
IP Intercom
• Jacques 650-series IP communication system
• Jacques Jccpserver, event controller (version 7.97.47 or
above) and SOF116-MILESTONE
Each Jacques workstation and Milestone workstation is configured via the Jacques Event Controller software module (V7.97.47 and above) installed on the Jacques System Controller.
• Jacques Jccpserver, event controller (version 7.97.47 or
above) and SOF116-MILESTONE
Each Jacques workstation and Milestone workstation is configured via the Jacques Event Controller software module (V7.97.47 and above) installed on the Jacques System Controller.
Milestone Systemsから
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect
Milestone XProtect Corporate 2022 R2
Supports the newer versions of Expert and Corporate
Supports the newer versions of Expert and Corporate
How it works
How to install
IP Solutions and Communication systems - Our systems integrate into third party security, building management, CCTV, access control & more.
The Jacques Milestone HLI was developed by Jacques Technologies and allows Jacques IP Communications System (650 series system) to send call information to the Milestone XProtect Corporate for switching the of intercom-associated-cameras onto an active matrix of Milestone XProtect Smart Client.Key features
- Central Control & Monitoring - Intercom calls can be transferred between master stations and auto remote configuration can be enabled.
- Effective Design - All our intercom terminals features one-touch calling, hands free communicatoin with crystal clear audio and high quality video.
- Fully Supported Integration - Seamless integration with third party systems. Our software engineers developed a wide range of High Level Interfaces.
- Flexible System Architecture - Create small, large or cross site communication systems, allowing unlimited number of intercom stations, HPUs and PA.
- Unparalleled Reliability - Impact and corrosion resistant materials, and fibreglass high stability printed circuit boards for long term reliablity.
How to install
This is where you can find additional documentation
Jacques to Milestone HLI Integration guide | pdf Download (1.07 MB) |
Jacques to Milestone Specifications | pdf Download (477.91 KB) |
Jacques to Milestone HLI Datasheet | pdf Download (256.02 KB) |
Read verification
Required Jacques Technologies Pty Ltd product(s)
Jacques 650-series IP communication system
Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:
XProtectExpress+2022 R2, 06/13 2022
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022
XProtectExpert2022 R2, 06/13 2022
XProtectEssential+2022 R2, 06/13 2022
XProtectProfessional+2022 R2, 06/13 2022
Is also expected to work with:
XProtectExpress+2022 R2, 06/13 2022 その後
XProtectCorporate2022 R2, 06/13 2022 その後
XProtectExpert2022 R2, 06/13 2022 その後
XProtectEssential+2022 R2, 06/13 2022 その後
XProtectProfessional+2022 R2, 06/13 2022 その後
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