AgileCore Smart Access Control System

Get ready to take your access control system to the next level with AgileCore!

Updated on Friday, November 10, 2023
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Introducing AgileCore Smart Access Control System (ACS) – the ultimate solution for modern access control needs. Our system boasts cutting-edge features that make access control easier and more convenient than ever before. AgileCore ACS is now fully integrated with Milestone XProtect.
Technology Partner
Milestone Verified
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What is needed

From AgileCore Technologies Limited

  • Smart Access Control

From Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect
  • Milestone Access

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How it works
How to install

AgileCore Smart Access Control System - Get ready to take your access control system to the next level with AgileCore!

Smart Access Control consist of 3 major Modules:

Module 1 – Access Control Management

We support not only traditional card reader, but also Octopus Card Reader, QR code reader, NFC Wallet Pass, Facial Recognition, and other Registration Unit, making it even easier for you to manage access in your facility.

Module 2 – Visitor Management

AgileCore offers an automated visitor system with access management technology, QR code access, notification alerts, and instant reporting capabilities such as visitor profiles, sign-in/out records.

Module 3 – Smart Office Solution

AgileCore's Smart Office Solution offers digitization and visualization technologies to provide features such as facility location planning, seat navigation, floor space overview, interactive layouts, and energy-saving capabilities, allowing businesses to optimize their office spaces, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall efficiency.

AgileCore ACS is now fully support HID Controllers.

Key features

  • Smart Access Control Management
  • Traditional card reader and Octopus Card Reader
  • Smartphone-based apps-free Wallet Pass
  • Visitor Management with Dynamic & Encrypted QR Code
  • Smart Office Solution and digitization
How it works
Let our experts guide you through our software with an online demo.
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Thank you for your demo request! You might also want to explore:
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EINS - Integrated Solutions with Access Control


Biometrics | Door hardware | Critical Infrastructure | Manufacturing | Seaports | Visitor Management

Access It Universal NET

Provided by RS2 Technologies

Biometrics | Multi site | Software as a Service (Saas) | Control access to restricted areas | Mobile identity / credentials | Hosted Services

FaceMe Security

Provided by CyberLink Corp.

Access Control | Analytics | Biometrics | IoT | Control access to restricted areas | On premise

OnWatch watchlist alerting and video analytics

Provided by Oosto (formerly Anyvision)

Access Control | Biometrics | Investigation | Surveillance

Herta & Milestone Integration Plugin

Provided by Herta

Analytics | Biometrics | City IoT | City Surveillance | System Integration

SAFR from RealNetworks

Provided by RealNetworks Inc

Biometrics | Control access to restricted areas | Provide situational awareness to response teams | Reduce employee theft / shrinkage | Artificial Intelligence | Facial Recognition

UBio-Sync Access Control & XProtect Integration

Provided by UNIONCOMMUNITY Co., Ltd.

Biometrics | Airports | Construction | Finance & Insurance | Retail

ACT Access Control Integration to XProtect®

Provided by Vanderbilt Industries

Barriers and gates | Healthcare | Control access to restricted areas | Mobile identity / credentials | Cloud Services | On premise

C2P - Facial Recognition using CyberExtruder

Provided by ConvergenceTP

Biometrics | City Surveillance | Education | Retail | Control access to restricted areas | Improve wait times in line

Corvo Identify

Provided by Nevalabs

Biometrics | Airports | City Surveillance | Critical Infrastructure | Healthcare | Public Transport

Seneca an Arrow Company - Rapid REVIEW Hardware

Provided by SENECA, An Arrow Company

Analytics | Gather evidence for criminal investigations | Understand customer behavior | Integration Design

VisionLabs Face Recognition Plug-in

Provided by VisionLabs B.V.

Analytics | Biometrics | Airports | City Surveillance | Information Technology | Retail

Seneca Assurance 300 Series NVR for Milestone

Provided by SENECA, An Arrow Company

Servers | Storage | Server | Storage | Integration Design

Ayonix Face Technologies

Provided by Ayonix

Analytics | Biometrics | Airports | City Surveillance | Control access to restricted areas | Facial Recognition

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How to install


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Milestone Verified Read verification


Required AgileCore Technologies Limited product(s)
AgileCore Access Control Milestone Integration v1.0 or above

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 and later
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 and later
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 and later
  • XProtect
    2022 R1, 03/08 2022 and later

Country availability

Your location is: United States

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    • Indonesia
    • Iraq
    • Japan
    • Jordan
    • Kazakhstan
    • Kuwait
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • Lebanon
    • Macao
    • Malaysia
    • Maldives
    • Marshall Islands
    • Mongolia
    • Myanmar
    • Nauru
    • Nepal
    • Oman
    • Pakistan
    • Palau
    • Palestine, State of
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Philippines
    • Qatar
    • Republic Of Korea
    • Samoa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Singapore
    • Solomon Islands
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    • Tajikistan
    • Thailand
    • Timor-Leste
    • Tonga
    • Turkmenistan
    • Tuvalu
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Uzbekistan
    • Vanuatu
    • Vietnam
    • Yemen

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