Founded in London in 2016 by a team from Cambridge, UCL and Imperial Universities, Calipsa is on a mission to improve the way we detect and prevent crime using video surveillance.
We are proud to have built unique technology that empowers security professionals worldwide to make better decisions...
- in real-time. Our intelligent video analytics are 100% cloud-based, using machine learning technology to reduce the number of video surveillance alarms.
Our remote, global team is passionate about creating a future where humans and technology work together to eliminate crime. They share a commitment to developing a product that maximises AI's capabilities and we are proud to currently support over 90 customers in 6 continents.
Our values of respect, transparency and customer focus not only define our internal culture but also extend to how we treat our customers. We're proud to partner with like-minded companies like Milestone to help make the world a safer place.
What we do
See how our products and services can help solve your challenges
Located at:
United Kingdom
London, UK
United Kingdom
United States
Ashburn, VA, USA
United States