Unitek A/S

Unitek A/S is a danish company, who develop, produce and sell its own advanced access control system (UniLock).The objective for Unitek is to develop electronics and software of high quality, where the emphasis is on ease of use, design and long life.

Unitek A/S was founded in 1985 in the danish city of Viborg, and is a modern well consolidated company, which consists of a highly skilled staff in terms of security and developing long lasting and easy-to-use electronics and software.

Our personal honor is to develop and produce quality over
... quantity.

We make long lasting solutions, which in long terms give high credibility and minimum support. we put a lot of emphasis on that new products and solutions are backward compatible, to secure that current customers are not let down.

Unitek A/S
Technology Partner
Technology Partner
Milestone Partner Program Tier


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Unitek A/S

Located at:


Vævervej 5, 8800 Viborg
Unitek A/S
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