Add carousel to view or Smart Wall
Carousels let you constantly browse between the cameras of the carousel at a speed you define.
- Click Setup to enter setup mode.
- In the System Overview pane, click and drag the Carousel item to the position in the view.
- In the Carousel Setup window:
- Go to the Cameras section.
- Locate and double-click each camera you want to add to the carousel.
- To define the sequence the cameras appear in the carousel, in the Selected cameras list, move the cameras up or down.
- Enter the number of seconds each camera appears in the carousel. You can specify a value for all cameras, or for each camera.
- Click OK to close the Carousel Setup window.
- Click Setup again to exit setup mode.
- (optional) To change settings for the carousel, in the setup mode, go the Properties pane and click Carousel Setup.
- To send the carousel to your Smart Wall, see Display carousel on Smart Wall.
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