Add carousel to view or Smart Wall

Carousels let you constantly browse between the cameras of the carousel at a speed you define.

  1. Click Setup to enter setup mode.
  2. In the System Overview pane, click and drag the Carousel item to the position in the view.
  3. In the Carousel Setup window:
    1. Go to the Cameras section.
    2. Locate and double-click each camera you want to add to the carousel.
  4. To define the sequence the cameras appear in the carousel, in the Selected cameras list, move the cameras up or down.
  5. Enter the number of seconds each camera appears in the carousel. You can specify a value for all cameras, or for each camera.
  6. Click OK to close the Carousel Setup window.
  7. Click Setup again to exit setup mode.
  8. (optional) To change settings for the carousel, in the setup mode, go the Properties pane and click Carousel Setup.
  9. To send the carousel to your Smart Wall, see Display carousel on Smart Wall.

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