The timeline displays an overview of periods with recordings from all cameras displayed in your current view. For example, the timeline is displayed on the Playback and Sequence Explorer tabs, in independent playback mode, and when you add or edit bookmarks.
Two timelines are displayed in the timeline area. The upper timeline shows the selected camera’s recording periods and the lower one is for all the cameras in the view including the selected camera. If you have linked floating windows, these will also be included on the lower timeline.
Drag the timeline to the right to move backward in time; drag to the left to move forward in time. You can also use the scroll wheel of your mouse to move the timeline backward and forward. To zoom the range of the timeline so it increases or decreases the units of time, press CTRL and use the scroll wheel at the same time.
The timeline is displayed in light-red to indicate recording, red for motion, light-green for incoming audio, and green for outgoing audio. If there are additional sources of data available, these will be shown as other colors. See Additional data and Additional markers. The Timeline time is indicated by a blue vertical line.
You can switch between a simple and an advanced timeline by toggling the Simple/Advanced Timeline button in the bottom right corner. If you select the simple timeline, you only see the shuttle slider, the time span slider, the Play Backward and Play Forward buttons and the Next Image and Previous Image buttons.
The first time you open the XProtect Smart Client – Player, it opens in simple timeline mode.
On the timeline, to the far right, click the small question mark for a legend of color codes.
The timeline and Milestone Interconnect
If the selected camera is part of a Milestone Interconnect setup, and it is an interconnected device, the timeline for the selected camera displays the retrieval data. Retrievals that have taken place are displayed as recordings. On the timeline, shading lets you quickly identify which periods contain recordings and which periods you need to request a retrieval for.
The timeline with dark checkerboard pattern where no recordings have been requested and therefore it is not known whether there are recordings and the lighter checkerboard pattern where video has been requested for retrieval
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