Displaying content on Smart Wall

XProtect Smart Wall lets you display content such as video feeds from cameras, HTML pages, images, text, hotspots, and carousels on monitors and video walls.

Depending on the situation and the environment you monitor, you can combine these different types of content to improve response times and effectiveness. For example, if you want to display a picture of a suspect so that people on patrol know who to look for, you can add an image. If you want to provide guidance for response measures, you can add text.

In this section

Display video from camera on Smart Wall

Display image or snapshot on Smart Wall

Display carousel on Smart Wall

Display hotspot on Smart Wall

Displaying video or still image from bookmark on Smart Wall (explained)

Display video or still image from bookmark on Smart Wall

Displaying text on Smart Wall

Display HTML page on Smart Wall

Display camera navigator on Smart Wall

Display map on Smart Wall

Displaying alarms on Smart Wall (explained)

Display alarms on Smart Wall

Stop displaying some or all content on a Smart Wall

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