PTZ images

If your views (including those in a carousel or a map preview) contain PTZ camera images, you can control the PTZ cameras using the overlay PTZ navigation button.

In Setup mode, on the Properties pane, you can define the PTZ click mode for the view item. You can choose between click-to-center and virtual joystick. Click-to-center is the default mode when you start using XProtect Smart Client. You can change the default selection in XProtect Smart Client settings.

Tip: Most PTZ cameras support joystick and point-and-click control. You can customize the joystick control.

You can also control most PTZ cameras simply by pointing and clicking inside the camera images. If you see a set of crosshairs when placing your mouse pointer over the images from a PTZ camera, the camera supports point-and-click control.

Crosshairs indicate point-and-click control. For some cameras, crosshairs may look different.

Some cameras have crosshairs surrounded by a square. When this is the case, you can zoom in on an area by dragging a square around the area in the image you want to magnify. For such cameras, zoom level is controlled by holding down the SHIFT key on your keyboard while moving the mouse up or down; this will display a zoom level slider inside the image.

In this section

Move the camera to a PTZ preset position

Manage PTZ presets

Edit PTZ presets

Locked PTZ presets

Stop PTZ patrolling

Start and stop manual patrolling

Manage patrolling profiles

Pause patrolling

Reserved PTZ sessions (explained)

Reserve a PTZ session

Release a PTZ session

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